Monday, July 21, 2008

A call for help! Movie buffs apply here!

I have been driving myself up the wall trying to remember the name of a film I saw once that has stuck with me, ooh, for fifteen years. It was a private eye film and was shot entirely from first person perspective, a technique which meant we suffered from all the information shortages and experiences of the lead actor.

I remember it as not being great, but would love to see it again for the nostalgia and novelty values.

Answers on a postcard please.

In other news, our Recycling bin is back. I had a quiet word with the guy downstairs and asked if he'd seen it. He said he "thought he knew" where it was and within ten minutes we had it back. My personal feeling is that he gave it away without asking if we wanted it. He's a nice chap but a little odd sometimes. This means that we were able to concentrate on final touches to the house ahead of our inspection tomorrow without worrying about taking four loads up to Sainsburys.

Also, in even more dull news weare having milk delivered. In bottles! Its like I'm a real adult now. I had a really good feeling when I opened my first foiltopped bottle of milk in fifteen years odd. Sad huh?



  1. The Lady in the Lake is the film you're after.
    Robert Montgomery and Audrey Totter. 1947. Glad to be of assistance

    (PS. Any sign of the Walkers crisps advert?)

  2. Blimey, I thought it would be harder to find, clearly my google skills are not what they were.
