Saturday, November 1, 2008

Quick Movie Review: Stakeout


I remember when Richard Dreyfuss was a star.

It was for about two weeks and this film had a large say in that status. I love the guy, I just like all the characters I have seen him portray (and, not doubt, the Dick Cheney in W. is just as likable).

The film is average 80s pseudo action fare, pretty standard cop does something totally irresponsible and against procedural law by falling in love with his stakeout subject and gets away with it because in the process he catches a "bad guy".

It's pretty much lethal weapon light, even down to Loaded Weapon One's Emelio Estevez (one of my top three children of Martin Sheen) character as the solid, professional one.

They both sport rather silly moustaches though, which is strange... is it for a joke? A bet? They look funnier than the film actually is, which tells you something.

Anyhow. Just not very good, and I remember the sequel being funnier.

So overall it gets a "meh". OK, but nothing to write home about.


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