Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Quick Movie Review: Three Amigos!


When I was young this was the film we watched on birthdays every single year.

We watched it this year as part of a highly enjoyable evening of Mexican fun, with a large buffet and margherita selection on offer, and as a result Three Amigos is seen through a haze somewhat of chilli and tequila, but still bears up.

It marked the end of the credible (imho of course) careers of three giants of 80s comedy, namely Martin Short, Steve Martin and Chevy Chase.

It features a frequently told tale of ordinary guys becoming heroes and the like, but also throws in some dumb slapstick too.

It's no classic for sure, but it will always have a special place in my heart, from the singing bush, the invisible swordsman and all to the outrageously attractive leading lady. From the ridiculous outfits worn by the amigos to the unexpected solution to their troubles ("sewing!").

I won't go into huge detail since the love of this film is pretty much a personal matter, and maybe if I saw it for the first time now I'd find it trite and predictable - I hope you saw it when you could still find it funny.


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