Friday, January 9, 2009

Wall-Shadows review score distribution

I must admit, good old Gary got me thinking, so here is the distribution of scores so far.

Unfortunately, me and OpenOffice are having a little domestic so I couldn;t get the X-Axis labelling right.

To get the score then, subtract 2 from the row name underneath the bar.

Scores start at "Row 2" with 0 and end at "row 12" with 10.

As I expected it displays a skewed distribution (since the selection of movies to watch is not random) but it still shows the classic shape just peaking at 7 instead of 5.

With this in mind I find that I am happy with the first 10 months reviewage and will continue on the path I tread now.



  1. Interesting graph.

    I would question whether this should show a skewed distribution : after all you aren't choosing 'My favourite films' as a selection, therefore the scores should still show a normal distribution, shouldn't they? If this was a class of schoolkids and you said 'I'm going to chose the most intelligent' and then plotted their IQ's I could see how it would skew. But you've effectively said 'I'm going to chose the pupils who's name starts with the letters 'C' to 'T'.

    Or am I missing something?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No, you're missing that these are films I choose to watch. Since I am not paid I am not required to spend my time watching average movies.

    That's why it's skewed.

    A normal distributon will ONLY be seen where the entire selection of your data is random (heights in your class would be too small and non random a sample for my liking).

    IQ is a bad choice for an example since it is ALWAYS expressed as a normal distribution with 100 being the average score, the IQ value is assigned after the distribution is plotted depending on where the pupil falls in the set.

    IQ is never a simple value like those of, say, Age or Height.

    Hope that expresses things more accurately.

