Sunday, July 13, 2008

How Not to end a gig...

So you've had a fairly bad gig... the band were good, but you felt shit and useless and hot and bothered, making stupid errors and you can't wait for it to be over.

You decide to go for a wander on wireless and turn to the band and jump up and down to show the tempo change, only to jump back and trip on a stone fountain and smash into it, scraping up your guitar and soaking yourself.

At least noone turned up to the gig, but I did get some bloke pissing himself at my expense with his 5 year old son.

Feel sorry for me!

Or laugh, which is more likely.



  1. MMMmmmmm, tell me about the tempo changes then..first I've heard of it.
    Spoke to the client today who said you and the band were great.

  2. It was for the slowdown at the end of our who medley, which is my responsibility to count in.

    Since you ask.
