Saturday, July 5, 2008

So... Dr Who Then...


If you highlight the text you can see it. If not, I am protecting you if you can't bear the spoilers!

To all of the folks who watched this, lets assess the major disappointments I had first:

  • "Three Fold Man" to me this said a multiple Doctor episode and I was really looking forward to this aspect, being a huge fan of The Five Doctors and was all ready for Chris Ecclestone and Paul McGann to pop out of the woodwork to help things along. I was not happy with the outcome here, though Ms Tate does do a passable David Tennant impression.
  • There were so many Deus Ex Machina moments I stopped counting, not even bearing in mind the show suffers from the Magic Wand effect very very often (what else is the Sonic Screwdriver), but here are some examples; K9 appearing from nowhere, people shooting over from the last series every two minutes, the half hour reset, the sudden reappearance of Mickey's gun despite him leaving it on Earth, and the appearance of the perfect character to solve Rose's love problems. In fact, so many out of the air solutions present themselves even Davros gets one, suddenly transporting everyone relevant to the Crucible... er... how?
  • I thought it was impossible to overact Davros. I was wrong.
  • Great... we get Cybermen at Christmas. YAWN! Are there NO other monsters?
  • Will we get Sally Sparrow at last or not? Come on!
There were also things I really liked, and these more than outdo the lameness above
  • I like being proved right, and I read many interviews with Tennant from last year when he made it very clear he would be doing the specials next year, so no suspense there then.
  • Davros died AGAIN! He's getting to make a bad habit of this... he gets splatted every time. I doubt we've seen the end of him just yet.
  • The plot they were hatching was cool. I mean - the wiping out of all existence! Awesome.
  • The little character study of the Doctor was cool too - he doesn't use weapons, just turns people into his weapons instead. Very thought provoking.
  • The care with making his clone a little human and evil ish (IE wiping out all the Daleks - something our Doctor would never do without giving them a chance to surrender) was very cool. He was half human after all and genocide is something we do well!
  • I thought the Daleks speaking German in Germany was a nice touch too.
  • And the Osterhagen Key? A cool thingy and something I never anticipated. Good idea.
  • And good job with ensuring Tate can NEVER EVER come back. Awesome. No more shouty shouty. Whoop!
Sadly I think the fourth Special next year will be Tennant's last, but maybe thats for the best... whats left for him to do?

Plots I want Stephen Moffat to write:

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