Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Is Child Rape as reprehensible as Murder? Duh!

This relates to this story where the supreme court in America has outlawed the death penalty in all cases except that of murder. The main focus of outrage has been as described, around the issue of child rape, one of the most morally repugnant crimes in any society.

It got me thinking... I've always thought that child rape is about the worst crime you can commit - worse than just murder because frequently it is an act that is repeated, and is a betrayal in the worst possible way by someone in a position of trust and authority.

While murder is unquestionably terrible, it is impossible to murder someone more than once, whilst the damage is permanent in both cases.

So... what is more important and a larger thing to rob someone of? Their life or their freedom from rape? It's a tough one for many but I'm in the "I'd rather die" camp I reckon. You may disagree and that's fine.

So why is Rape considered less of a crime than murder?

"The death penalty is not a proportional punishment for the rape of a child," wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in his majority opinion.

And what is? I know the guys gonna get to "toss the salad" in jail, but that's hardly a state sponsored punishment! I'll be interested what they suggest is a proportional punishment (any suggestions in that regard are missing from the article) I guess its being raped by someone they trust... maybe the supreme court justices want that honour?

Darn... its made me angry now.

In Britain things are different of course, we do not impose the death penalty for anything - but I'm interested what the punishments are for Child Rape and the punishments for Murder... anyone know?

It's strange to me because this was so obviously a politically dangerous stance to take... on a gut level everyone I talk to seems to feel that the two crimes are at least equally as bad as each other if not erring on the side of the child rape as the worse! Ah well... maybe the legal argument makes sense with their constitution or something, but they must have known this would be unpopular... with me at least.

In honour of Speak your branes I will say this


Here's hoping for a more cheerful thought next time...


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