Sunday, September 7, 2008

New banner and feed

I make no apologies for including a banner (for the which I don't make money folks) to link you to the Richard Dawkins Foundation site, where amongst other information you can watch at your leisure, for free, Dawkins' (polemic free) Faraday Lectures on biology and evolution. This alone would be worth the effort to go to the site and whatever your views on Dawkins' obsessions or debating techniques he will always remain for me my favourite evolutionary teacher - he really communicates just how amazingly inspiring the variety of life that has arisen purely through natural selection and sexual selection.

The other new thing you will find is a news feed from the National Secular Society and again, I won't apologise for it since I gain nothing from making the link. The news items will probably send you all over the web, and I don't take any responsibility for any toes they may step on as a result.

Just thought I'd explain these to you. Cheers



  1. Algo - If you're so into adding new things to the blog (which I commend and applaud) check out the widget I have on the musings-cafe.

    It, basically, syndicates your posts out to other blogs that have the widget as an effort to bring readers to your blog. I added the widget on my blogs on 19th August and currently my posts have been syndicated out over 4000 times.

    Go to the Musings cafe (click my name above) find the widget (it's on the bottom left headed 'From the blogosphere') and click on the bit at the bottom named 'Add your blog posts free'

    You never know what sort of new traffic it will bring to your blog. It's worth a try, right?


  2. Done and Done. Thanks gary.

    Shame they didn't have movies & philosophy option but there you go.

