Tuesday, August 12, 2008

New Subscribe Link Up and I beg you to comment more!

I am happy to add anyone too the W-S mailing list if they wish, but be advised that the nice folks at Blogger have now given me my very own little Subscribe buttons. If you need instructions, see the ful post using the link below.

I use Firefox 3.0 myself (and so should everyone in my opinion) and to subscribe either to the posts (just my wisdom) or all comments (the wit) feeds you can just click on them and pick your RSS reader.

If you don't use RSS or don't know what it is, its just a very simple method of monitoring websites for new entries. Many third party toolbars are able to use it. Mozilla Firefox 3.0 has a whole toolbar to do this. Maybe Internet Explorer and Safari do as well. When you want to use their own bars, in my experience you are fine to click the button and select the bottom option "Atom" from the list. This will allow you to add the regularly updated feed to either your bookmarks menu (giving you a pop out list of posts on that menu) or to a bookmarks toolbar beneath your address bar. A simple click of that will show you if there's anything new to read.

I'd love to get more comments guys - I have refrained from trying to make money from ads on this blog (since I'm not a total jerk) so reward me by sharing your opinions on my posts! At the moment the best replyer is fellow extra Gary. Good Work Big Guy!



  1. Hi Algo - Glad you finally went for the RSS subscriptions. I've had them for a while on my blogs, but the one thing I found out is that around 80% of the population don't/can't use RSS (although I swear by it). So I've also given folks the opportunity to subscribe themselves via opt-in e-mail.

    What basically happen is that once they subscribe, the system will create a daily e-mail with all your entries and automatically send it to your subscribers. You do nothing. It's great!

    Check out feedblitz (http://www.feedblitz.com/), which is what I use.

  2. Sounds good... I'll check it out. The RSS buttons themselves are a recent addition to blogger since I didn;t see them til yesterday.

  3. . and you've no idea how big a kick I got to be namechecked on Wall Shadows


  4. your sarcasm is palpable. I'm hurt!

  5. Actually, I was being serious. It's the first time I've had any recognition on any blog I've contributed to, so thanks, my friend!

    Now I'll need to find a way to get Algo mentioned at the Musings Cafe....
