Saturday, August 30, 2008

Scientology and Christianity... what's the difference?

Hmm... a quick note, since taking the piss out of Scientologists is a lot like shooting fish in a barrel. My beef today is that there is a perception of Scientology being less "valid" a belief system, than that the more established ones are.

It appears to me that the only difference between these religions is time.

Both are based on books that bear little resemblance to the real world and whose main benefit is to the writers.

Time is a huge factor, and is the method by which quirks become tradition...

I am amazed constantly by how totally devoid of the ability to use their brains the average Scientologist is, I mean - what the hell? They have all the anger and self righteous blindness of those who have been taken in by a very devious Pyramid scheme. And isn't that what Scientology is? A large amount of people paying money in the hope of finding out more? Why not just tell them everything and then they can pay what they think it's worth?

Look, I don't want it to appear I'm wailing on Scientology more than the others - in my mind it has EXACTLY the same validity in and of itself as all the others - precisely none. That being said, anyone who has been confronted with the maniacs in black suits that make up their frontline forces will know they are on a very strange trip. By all means, if any Scientologists read this and are offended, please send me books in PDF format and I'll annotate them for you with all the silliness they deserve, but I'm not going to give you nutters my home address and trust your "personality test" which seems to always require people to give money to your cause... How convenient for you.




  1. You can always guarantee a controversial post with Algo - especially if it concerns religion. "The opiate of the masses", I believe?
    P.S Ray Knight - London based people only? Or is it worth sending in an application even if you don't live in the big smoke? Have you got work from them?

  2. Controversial?

    I was a bit embarrassed about the turkey shoot of mocking the Scientologists.

    Hey, if you disagree with any post by all means post the opposite viewpoint.

    Mocking Scientologists is the norm these days. It would be a controversial post if I started saying that it's just as valid as... oh.. wait.. I did.

