Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pitch Me A Movie

OK, another movie questionnaire idea that Gabstar can nick off me.

Here's the game: You can choose two films to pitch -

  1. Any book or tv series adaptation that has NEVER been seen before
  2. A REMAKE of a film they botched (in your opinion of course) the first time.
This is what I want from your pitch

  • Original Title
  • Your Title for the Movie (if required)
  • The Tagline
  • The dream cast for said opus (conceivable ones only, please)
  • Dream Director
  • The Plot
  • Why you chose it.
My responses follow in the comments section:


  1. Movie 1: Book not yet made:

    * Original Title: Small Gods, By Terry Pratchett
    * (can't improve on the title)
    * Tagline:(small gods) with big dreams!

    Directed by: Terry Gilliam (who else?)

    Brutha: Hmm.. James McAvoy maybe.
    Voice Of OM: Orson Welles impersonation (imagine his voice coming out of a tortoise.. hehe)
    Deacon Vorbis: Pete Postlethwaite

    The great god OM decides to appear to his believers in the form of a a great hawk, or a bull - so imagine his consternation to find that despite there being an entire country with his name, with a vicious inquisition enforcing religion with an iron corkscrew or two no-one actually believes in him. That is, no one except Brutha, the lowest novice you could have without him being soft furnishings. All this means that instead of his preferred hawk, the great OM appears to Brutha as a tortoise. Cue a quest across the desert to win back believers to the Great God Om!

    I choose this one since its a discworld novel that requires none of the others to make sense, and addresses the current world issues of religious fundamentalism and exclusion. It is a wonderful book and would make a wonderful film.


  2. Movie 2: Remake

    League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
    "Five legends: now they must become heroes"

    Directed by: Guillermo Del Toro

    Allan Quatermain: Sean Connery (again) but since he'd never do it I guess Daniel Day Lewis? Maybe?
    Mina Harker: Despite the fact I am in love with Summer Glau she's too young, so I'll have to say... er... this part may be impossible to cast... suggestions?
    Dr Jeykll/Mr Hyde: John Sim
    Captain Nemo: Amitabh Bachan
    Hawley Griffin: Ed Norton or maybe Damien Lewis
    M: Patrick Stewart
    Campion Bond: Hugh Jackman (probably not in a fatsuit)...

    This film would actually follow the plot of the first book quite closely, though I would skip through the character intros a bit faster so we could get to the airships before the three hour mark.

    Del Toro has more than proved himself in regards to comic book property and this film would go a long way to overcome the bitter aftertaste of "LXG".


    Would love to see evil Rupert Bear on the cinema screen (from the second comic) but I guess it'll never happen now.

  3. Total agreement over another League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Summer Glau is indeed too young to be Mina - you need somebody 30ish, with a clipped English accent... Rachel Weiss? Kate Winslet? They could do a combination of the two books, which would also satisfy my first suggestion for a film adaptation, being a version of WotW actually set in Victorian London.

    Would also love to see a film version of Day of the Triffids (Chris Ecclestone as the main guy) and The Sirens of Titan would be good material for another Gilliam/Depp collaboration.

  4. See... it's totally inexcusable that I didn't reply earlier here, since you are the only person to comment.

    Even if you didn't pitch any movies.

    Ah well. Thanks anyway,

