Friday, August 8, 2008

Your global flag - a post out of left field.

The last two pictures here are my own ideas and if you want to share them I would ask that you at least name check me when you do.

I'm a big fan of mankind taking a realistic view of its place in the universe. I am also interested in flags. Great!

Occasionally something will come along that really captures my imagination and I make no apology for the large number of pictures in this post - most of mine have none so you should be grateful for the variety.

I saw this hideous monstrosity while being impressed by the national flag of the Seychelles (very pretty - look it up).

This version of the "Earth Flag" is just vile. It doesn't look anything like a flag as we know it, and very likely it would be useless in inter-system relations since any earth type planet would look kind of similar. It also seems to place us ALONE at the centre of the universe (at least thats the feeling I get from it). I carried on looking for Earth Flags in the hope I'd find a more satisfying one.

I then found this next one:

It was designed by James W. Cadle, and SETI in particular are big fans and use it at their bases, since it gives some relevant and no egomaniacal information - we are a very blue planet with one moon (two I guess, but we won't count Stephen Fry's Cruithne) that circles a yellow sun.

I liked this approach very much but, being me, I wasn't satisfied. I took Cadle's idea a couple of steps further and added another piece of information - how many planets out from the sun we are and came up with the following. I inadvertently appear to have created a 3d effect as a result - nice...

I also increased the relative size of the sun to a straight line. Why not reinforce our genuine size?

This has in turn its advantage of being totally transferable a system throughout our solar system - see the design I came up with for Mars, below. A Heraldic or goverment stamp could be placed in the main planetary body if you like, but I prefer my flags nice and simple.

Two moons? Check... Fourth Planet Out... Check

I'm really quite proud hence me sharing it with you. All of my designs are of course inspired greated by James Cadle's and so nuff respect to him.

What do you think of the concept of an Earth Flag itself? It's fairly useless for interplanetary relations since there aren't any (THAT WE KNOW OF!) so its function would purely be as the symbol of our world and our place in the galaxy.

It could serve as a rallying point for pro earth movements... or just be a waste of blue yellow and black material.

Anyway... anyone fancy making me a real Earth one to my design? That'd be cool!



Those yankees and their crazy ideas. I hate this, but this is to demonstrate flexibility of design.

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